Educating tomorrow`s leaders
Institute for Economy and the Environment
Through relevant and rigorous research and impactful teaching, we prepare future business leaders to address global sustainability and climate challenges.
Institute for Economy and the Environment
Through relevant and rigorous research and impactful teaching, we prepare future business leaders to address global sustainability and climate challenges.
This August, Professor Walls, Co-Director of the Institute for Economy and the Environment (IWÖ-HSG), received the ONE Distinguished Educator Award 2024 at the Organizations & Natural Environment (ONE) division, Academy of Management (AOM). This award recognises and celebrates teaching accomplishments in the classroom, development of educational materials, and scholarship on teaching and learning on sustainability topics for the last 5-year period, advancing the teaching aims of the ONE division by promoting learning about the relationship between organisations and the natural environment.
The ONE awards team commended Professor Walls for her outstanding work and leadership in sustainability education.
“We want to recognise your impressive body of work, especially in the areas of pedagogy, publications, and work with practitioners”, Stuart Allen from the award committee said, noting Professor Walls’ work is commendable for its “rigour, innovation, and dedication to ONE domain topics”. Her teaching also clearly demonstrates a strong commitment to students, the committee indicated. We congratulate Professor Walls for her achievements and are proud that her work reflects the mission of our institute.
In the picture, from left to right:
Prof. Nardia Haigh, Division Chair, Organizations & Natural Environment (ONE)
Prof. Judith Walls,
Prof. Stuart Allen, member of the award committee, Organizations & Natural Environment (ONE)
Author: Zsuzsa Borsa
Date: 30. August 2024
The certificate programme MaCS addresses one of the biggest societal challenges of our time. Climate change is now widely acknowledged, but how can it be successfully tackled?
This is the key question to be answered by future leaders in business and society. Through the additional qualification in Managing Climate Solutions, students will complement their core Master`s programme at the University of St.Gallen with dedicated courses enabling them to understand the magnitude of the challenge, to explore the range of possible solutions, to craft behaviorally informed strategies, and to shape a positive future in a carbon-constrained world.
Become part of the solution. Develop your skills in managing climate solutions, a top priority in today’s business environment. Help your future employer recognize your expertise and strengthen your network of climate-positive innovators.
Upgrade your HSG degree and turn your career climate positive by applying for next year’s course by June 30, 2025.
Author: Doris Hoevel
Date: 20. June 2024
IWÖ’s promotion of young talent is bearing fruit in the academic world. In Germany and Austria, two graduates of our institute have been appointed to a new professorship. In Berlin, Prof. Dr. Annett Baumast was appointed Professor of Business Administration, in particular Sustainability Management, at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR). She had completed her dissertation at the Chair of Sustainability Management (Prof. em. Thomas Dyllick) in 2002. In Graz, the Karl-Franzens-University and Graz University of Technology inaugurated a new Center for Active Mobility, which is headed by Prof. Dr. Nina Hampl. She completed her doctorate in 2012 at the Chair of Management of Renewable Energies (Prof. Rolf Wüstenhagen) and most recently worked as a professor of sustainable energy management at the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt. We would like to congratulate our two graduates on these academic successes!
Neue Professuren für IWÖ-Alumnae
Die Nachwuchsförderung des IWÖ trägt Früchte in der Wissenschaftswelt. In Deutschland und Österreich konnten zwei Absolventinnen unseres Instituts eine neue Professur antreten. In Berlin wurde Prof. Dr. Annett Baumast zur Professorin für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement, an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR) ernannt. Sie hatte 2002 ihre Dissertation am Lehrstuhl für Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement (Prof. em. Thomas Dyllick) abgeschlossen. In Graz weihten die Karl-Franzens-Universität und die TU Graz ein neues Zentrum für aktive Mobilität ein, welches von Prof. Dr. Nina Hampl geleitet wird. Sie hatte 2012 am Lehrstuhl für Management erneuerbarer Energien (Prof. Rolf Wüstenhagen) promoviert und war zuletzt als Professorin für nachhaltiges Energiemanagement an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt tätig. Wir gratulieren unseren beiden Absolventinnen herzlich zu diesen akademischen Erfolgen!
Author: Doris Hoevel
Date: 27. May 2024
Leaders and managers across sectors are facing growing demands to drive social and environmental sustainability forward in their organisations and respond decisively to a growing global crisis – but how can we do this? We live in an increasingly complex world. The sustainability challenges we face exist at a nexus of interconnected stakeholders, systems, and perspectives. How can we develop and drive solutions for the biggest challenges of today and tomorrow in a context of rapid change and uncertainty?
The SuM-HSG enables students to accompany their bachelor studies at the University of St.Gallen with a certificate programme that provides the tools and skills to understand and effectively tackle complex sustainability challenges. Through coursework and applied projects, students will gain hands-on experience making decisions, collaborating across sectors and generations, and building practical interventions to drive progress on sustainability from a systemic perspective.
Starting in fall 2024, the SuM provides you with the tools and skills to understand and effectively tackle complex sustainability challenges in your future career. You will learn to build partnerships, make decisions, devise solutions, and implement initiatives essential to driving progress towards a sustainable future. The SuM, granting 24 ECTS, is open to students of all bachelor’s programmes at HSG.
Application is now open until end of June!
Author: Zsuzsa Borsa
Date: 8. April 2024
Im Rahmen unseres Masterzertifikats Managing Climate Solutions – MaCS-HSG entwickelten HSG-Studierende über 3 Kohorten hinweg die Idee, das Dach der HSG-Sporthalle mit Solarpaneelen zu bedecken – finanziert durch 112 HSG-Studierenden, Professor:innen, Mitarbeitenden, Alumni und weiteren Investor:innen aus St.Gallen und anderen Teilen der Schweiz. Bis zur Umsetzung durchlief das Projekt viele Etappen. Entstanden ist sie in Kooperation mit dem Schweizer Solarunternehmen Solarify. Seit November 2023 produziert die Anlage Strom. Im Rahmen eines Festaktes und in Anwesenheit des Rektors der HSG, Prof. Manuel Ammann, der Regierungsrätin des Kantons, Susanne Hartmann, dem akademischen Leiter des MaCS-Programms, Prof. Wüstenhagen und einigen Studierenden aus den 3 MaCS-Kohorten wurde die Anlage offiziell in Betrieb genommen.
=> HIER weitere Infos im Video der MaCS-Studierenden
Author: Doris Hoevel
Date: 27. March 2024
Anfang März wurden an der grössten Reisemesse der Welt, der ITB Berlin, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft e.V. (DGT) die renommierten DGT-ITB Wissenschaftspreise verliehen. Dr. Adrian Müller (rechts im Bild) sicherte sich die Auszeichnung für die «beste Arbeit zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit im #Tourismus» mit seiner Doktorarbeit, in der er sich mit der Dekarbonisierung von Geschäftsreisen beschäftigte. Doktorvater Prof. Rolf Wüstenhagen und sein Lehrstuhl-Team gratulieren herzlich zu dieser Leistung.
Author: Doris Hoevel
Date: 13. March 2024
We warmly welcome Dr Nina Schneider as a newly appointed senior lecturer of Managing Climate Solutions as of 1 February 2024 and wish her every success!
Dr. Nina Schneider has several years of experience in designing and implementing innovative courses in the fields of climate change, circular economy, and sustainability. After studying in Vienna and North Carolina as well as completing her PhD, supported by the European research programme Horizon 2020, she worked as a project leader and lecturer at University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg. At HSG, she will teach in the Master’s certificate Managing Climate Solutions #MaCSHSG and will also take on the role of administrative programme manager.
Dr. Nina Schneider’s research on social acceptance of wind energy in Austria, Germany and Switzerland has been published in peer-reviewed international journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Energy Policy and Energy Research and Social Science. With her expertise and international experience, she will be a valuable addition to the research team at the Institute for Economy and the Environment IWÖ-HSG. The new senior lectureship is one of two positions created to fill the gap left by Merla Kubli, who took up a tenure track assistant professorship at TU Delft in September 2023. The second new appointment in Managing Climate Solutions will take effect on August 1st, 2024 – stay tuned!
Author: Doris Hoevel
Date: 31. January 2024
We warmly welcome Prof. Adrian Rinscheid as a newly appointed Assistant Professor for Climate Policy and Decision Making with Tenure Track as of February 1, 2024.
Prof. Adrian Rinscheid earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Administration from the University of Konstanz (DE) and completed his Ph.D. at the University of St.Gallen in 2019. His research focuses on the socio-political and behavioral aspects of global challenges posed by climate change, emphasizing inequality effects of climate change and public policies, and complex political processes related to decarbonization.
Prof. Rinscheid has extensive experience in qualitative and quantitative social science methods and is well-connected internationally. His work is published in prestigious journals across political science and interdisciplinary fields. As a lecturer, he prioritizes interactive discussions and effective integration of digital technology and in-person teaching.
Before joining us, Prof. Adrian Rinscheid was an Assistant Professor with Tenure Track at Radboud University Nijmegen (NL) since September 2022. Prof. Rinscheid will be working at the School of Economics and Political Science (SEPS-HSG) and will be affiliated with IWÖ-HSG.
Author: Doris Hoevel
Date: 22. January 2024
Prof. Dr.
Rolf Wüstenhagen
Management of Renewable Energies
The Chair of Management of Renewable Energies contributes to the transition from a non-renewable to a renewable energy supply and thus help to reduce environmental, economic and societal risks, and to create entrepreneurial opportunities. We invest intellectual venture capital in students and young researchers, enabling them to contribute to a clean energy future, in academia or business.
Prof. Dr.
Judith Walls
Sustainability Management
At the Chair of Sustainability Management, we research and teach on corporate sustainability strategy. Corporate leaders face decisions to address major sustainability challenges through their businesses. We identify business models that effectively create value and govern sustainability, both within and outside the company’s boundaries.
The Consumer Barometer of Renewable Energy provides insights into what Swiss people think about energy and climate change. The study is published annually since 2011 and is based on a representative sample of more than 1,000 respondents.
Integrative Sustainability Management (SuM-HSG) is a new certificate programme that bachelor students can pursue alongside their main course of study at HSG. Starting in fall 2024, the SuM provides you with the tools and skills to understand and effectively tackle complex sustainability challenges in your future career. You will learn to build partnerships, make decisions, devise solutions, and implement initiatives essential to driving progress towards a sustainable future. The SuM, granting 24 ECTS, is open to students of all bachelor’s programmes at HSG.
In the Managing Climate Solutions (MaCS-HSG) certificate, master students develop entrepreneurial solutions to one of the most pressing societal challenges of our time: climate change.
Students complement their core Master`s programme with dedicated courses enabling them to understand the magnitude of the challenge, to explore the range of possible solutions, to craft behaviorally informed strategies, and to shape a positive future in a carbon-constrained world.
Leading the Sustainability Transformation is a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) offered by the Competence Center for Social Innovation (CSI-HSG) and Institute for Economy and the Environment (IWÖ-HSG). It is a groundbreaking executive education programme designed to empower participants with the skills, tools, and forward-thinking mindset to prioritize and implement sustainability effectively in their role – a journey of personal and organizational growth for lasting impact.
Currently in its 13th consecutive edition, the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Renewable Energy Management (REM-HSG) is a unique executive education programme helping participants to turn climate change and other challenges to the energy status quo into new business opportunities. A particular focus is on managing disruptive decentralization in the energy market, driven by the convergence of solar photovoltaics, battery storage, digitization, and electric mobility.
The university’s contribution to sustainable development
The University of St.Gallen is committed to contribute to a sustainable economy and society. Find out how we integrate this mission into our education, research, engagement and the activities on campus.
IWÖ-HSG collaborates with three other institutes of the University of St.Gallen within the Center for Mobility. The interdisciplinary center, hosted by IMP-HSG, investigates the effects of digital technologies, climate change and land use on changes in mobility-related consumer behaviour and innovative business models.
University of St. Gallen (HSG)
Institute for Economy and the Environment
Müller-Friedberg-Strasse 6/8
CH-9000 St. Gallen
Tel: +41 71 224 2584