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Webinar: Harnessing positive Emotions for Wind Power (in collaboration with MISTRAL)

Intense debates around the siting of wind turbines or the #FridaysForFuture movement have highlighted that energy projects and climate policies can trigger strong emotions, positive or negative. While these emotions can be an obstacle to implementing clean energy policies, they can also be a positive driver. People prefer hearing about solutions rather than problems. Highlighting the positive sides of clean energy, such as wind energy, may elicit positive emotions that may, in turn, facilitate acceptance. In order to move from insight to impact, this workshop consists of three parts: (1) we will discuss why emotions matter and the types of emotions existing among the Swiss population regarding wind energy, (2) renewable energy professionals will share their insights into stakeholders’ efforts to address emotions and specifically, spread positive ones, and (3) participants will be invited to ask questions and join the debate on the topic.

9. October 2020

Location: ONLINE from the IWOE-HSG at Müller-Friedberg-Strasse 8, St. Gallen