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Dr. Florian Weise runs new course on Wildlife, Business, and People

Dr. Florian Weise from Ongava Research Centre in Namibia and affiliated scholar at our institute since 2019 will be teaching a new contextual studies course “Wildlife, Business, and People” during the spring semester of 2021.  Dr. Weise is an expert on wildlife management, conservation biology and animal behavior. He has worked extensively on human-wildlife interactions throughout sub-Saharan Africa over the last 15 years, with a main focus on large predators and conflict mitigation. He has a special interest in innovative coexistence concepts that intertwine expertise from different professional disciplines. His work puts emphasis on developing applied solutions, many of which have been featured in media such as National Geographic, Africa Geographic, Financial Times London and on TV. Dr Weise has a keen interest in trans-disciplinary approaches; he collaborates widely with social scientists, technology developers, economists, land managers and many other stakeholder groups. He also pursues biodiversity studies, endangered species assessments and he develops and tests research methods such as the use of citizen science in threatened biodiversity monitoring and management.

Autor: Zsuzsa Borsa

Datum: 21. Januar 2021