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Agile Sustainability Management for Business

The Chair of Sustainability Management is offering a new executive education program starting in March in collaboration with the Competence Center for Social Innovation (CSI-HSG):
Agile Sustainability Management for Business

To remain viable and thrive in the future, businesses must actively change, engaging in circular and sustainable strategic business models. This is not a simple task. Leaders must build their knowledge and skills in sustainability, while nimbly adapting to a rapidly changing, complex, and uncertain world.

The new program equips leaders and managers with key sustainability knowledge while leveraging an agile mindset, skills and tools. Participants leave with key knowledge in the field of corporate sustainability management, including driving trends, challenges and opportunities, climate solutions, biodiversity regeneration, social impact creation, circular economy business models and sustainability governance. They will be able to use agile frameworks and tools to lead and manage a useful and meaningful sustainability strategy in an environment of complexity, including foresight thinking and prototyping.

More information and registrations are available through the link below.

Autor: Zsuzsa Borsa

Datum: 12. Januar 2022