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Webinar: Alpine Solar Power

The demand for renewable energy in the winter half-year will increase significantly in the foreseeable future, as a result of nuclear power plants being shut down and the trend towards electrification of buildings and transport. Increasing the capacity of seasonal storage (hydropower), as well as an expansion of wind energy, which generates more electricity during the winter half-year, are two existing options, but specific projects in both areas are facing social acceptance issues. A third option is the deployment of alpine solar power projects. Higher irradiation, less fog, and snow reflection create ideal conditions for harnessing the sun in alpine regions. Is alpine solar power a promising option to close the winter gap as well as to attract investments for alpine regions? Or will landscape impacts lead to similar social acceptance issues? Come and join the debate! =>

16. Oktober 2020

Standort: ONLINE from the IWOE-HSG at Müller-Friedberg-Strasse 8, St. Gallen