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Brownbag Seminar with Prof. Tobias Hahn

The HSG-IWÖ Monthly Brownbag Sustainability Research Seminar is open to Ph.D. students.
The format is a mini-Ph.D. workshop with emphasis on interactive discussion.
Please register with Dr. Miron Avidan


Seminar #1: Paradox research in sustainability

Prof. Tobias Hahn (ESADE):

We will begin by discussing the following background papers:

  1. Smith, W. K. 2014. Dynamic Decision Making: A Model of Senior Leaders Managing Strategic Paradoxes.Academy of Management Journal, 57(6): 1592-1623.
  2. Hengst, I.-A., Jarzabkowski, P., Hoegl, M., & Muethel, M. 2020. Toward a Process Theory of Making Sustainability Strategies Legitimate in Action.Academy of Management Journal, 63(1): 246-271.

Then, Tobias will share one of his papers that are currently in the making.

In the last 30 min, participants are invited to come up with their challenges and questions when working with paradox in the context of sustainability.

28. Oktober 2020

Standort: ONLINE from the IWOE-HSG at Müller-Friedberg-Strasse 8, St. Gallen

Datum: 28.10.2020, 16:00 bis 17:30