Sustainability Management

At the Chair of Sustainability Management we research and teach on corporate sustainability strategy. Corporate leaders face decisions to address major sustainability challenges through their businesses. We identify business models that effectively create value and govern sustainability, both within and outside the company’s boundaries.

See whole team and credentials

Judith Louise Walls

Prof. Dr.

Professor of Sustainability Management / Co-Director IWÖ-HSG

Zsuzsa Borsa


Research Associate/ Doctoral Candidate

Rachel Brooks


Head of Sustainability Curriculum Development

Isabelle Bürger

Research Associate/ Doctoral Candidate

Clémentine Soizic Anaïs Robert

Research Associate / Doctoral Candidate

Judith Ströhle

Prof. Dr.

Assistant Professor of Sustainability Governance

Kerrigan Unter


Research Associate

Leo Luca Vogel

Research Associate / Doctoral Candidate

Besire Morina

Head of Operations

External PhD Students

Adina Arth

Research Associate/ Doctoral Candidate

Silvan Oberholzer

Research Associate/ Doctoral Candidate
