- 31.01.2024 - 10:26
Dr. Nina Schneider has several years of experience in designing and implementing innovative courses in the fields of climate change, circular economy, and sustainability. After studying in Vienna and North Carolina as well as completing her PhD, supported by the European research programme Horizon 2020, she worked as a project leader and lecturer at University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg. At HSG, she will teach in the Master’s certificate Managing Climate Solutions #MaCSHSG and will also take on the role of administrative programme manager.
Dr. Nina Schneider’s research on social acceptance of wind energy in Austria, Germany and Switzerland has been published in peer-reviewed international journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Energy Policy and Energy Research and Social Science. With her expertise and international experience, she will be a valuable addition to the research team at the Institute for Economy and the Environment IWÖ-HSG. The new senior lectureship is one of two positions created to fill the gap left by Merla Kubli, who took up a tenure track assistant professorship at TU Delft in September 2023. The second new appointment in Managing Climate Solutions will take effect on August 1st, 2024 – stay tuned!