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Leadership forum on organizations and sustainability: Taking stock, looking forward.

Journal Title: Organization & Environment, 2021


In mid-2020, leaders in the field of organizations and the natural environment convened for a conference call to assess the field as it stands and consider reorientations that might elevate its scholarship and amplify its impact. On the call were: Tobias Hahn (ESADE), President of GRONEN, the Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment1 Jennifer Howard-Grenville (Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge), Deputy Editor of Academy of Management Journal. Tom Lyon (University of Michigan), President of ARCS, the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability Mike Russo (University of Oregon), Editor-in-Chief of Organization & Environment Judith L. Walls (Institute for Economy and the Environment, University of St.Gallen), Chair of the Organizations and the Natural Environment Division of the Academy of Management1 What follows is a lightly edited transcript of our free-flowing conversation, with references that came up in the discussion added.

Tobias Hahn, Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Thomas Lyon, Michael V. Russo, Judith L. Walls


Item Type
Journal paper
Subject Areas
business studies