This August, Professor Walls, Co-Director of the Institute for Economy and the Environment (IWÖ-HSG), received the ONE Distinguished Educator Award 2024 at the Organizations & Natural Environment (ONE) division, Academy of Management (AOM). This award recognises and celebrates teaching accomplishments in the classroom, development of educational materials, and scholarship on teaching and learning on sustainability topics for the last 5-year period, advancing the teaching aims of the ONE division by promoting learning about the relationship between organisations and the natural environment.
The ONE awards team commended Professor Walls for her outstanding work and leadership in sustainability education.
“We want to recognise your impressive body of work, especially in the areas of pedagogy, publications, and work with practitioners”, Stuart Allen from the award committee said, noting Professor Walls’ work is commendable for its “rigour, innovation, and dedication to ONE domain topics”. Her teaching also clearly demonstrates a strong commitment to students, the committee indicated. We congratulate Professor Walls for her achievements and are proud that her work reflects the mission of our institute.
In the picture, from left to right:
Prof. Nardia Haigh, Division Chair, Organizations & Natural Environment (ONE)
Prof. Judith Walls,
Prof. Stuart Allen, member of the award committee, Organizations & Natural Environment (ONE)
Author: Zsuzsa Borsa
Date: 30. August 2024