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Master’s thesis opportunity: the role of carbon emission reduction targets

Master’s thesis opportunity: the role of carbon emission reduction targets in shaping environmental sustainability

A majority of Multi-National enterprises (MNEs) have been reporting their social and environmental performance for well over a decade, yet little is known about whether and how these disclosures shape their progress on critical issues such as carbon emissions, water conservation and biodiversity. At the Chair for Sustainability Management (IWOe), we are currently undertaking a project in which we track the sustainability disclosures of companies over four different time points (2003, 2008, 2013, and 2018) to observe how the definition of targets and goals has evolved over time and how target-setting has shaped companies’ sustainability performance.

We are looking for a master’s student with a keen interest in sustainability to help us on the project, specifically to help us code the reports. The student will, in turn, have the opportunity to use the coded content for their Master’s Thesis topic. We are looking for someone with a strong work ethic and an interest in this topic. The student will work closely with Dr. Miron Avidan, a post-doc at the IWOe.

If you have interest please contact Dr. Miron Avidan

Author: Zsuzsa Borsa

Date: 5. January 2021